I am a Computer Engineer with an educational background from the Department of Electrical Engineering at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim - Riau.
As a Laboratory Assistant at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim - Riau, I apply my electrical engineering skills and knowledge to various technical projects, particularly in the fields of instrumentation, control, and the Internet of Things (IoT). I collaborate with a research-based organization to develop and implement innovative solutions for production processes, industrial applications, and environmental monitoring.
Elementary school located in Jorong I Tampang Nagari Taruang-Taruang Rao District, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province.
Here I focus on studying knowledge related to religion, including Tawheed, Fiqh, Hadith, Tafsir, Arabic Literature and so on. and most importantly here I am trained to learn to live independently and be responsible for my actions.
I am a Computer Engineer with an educational background from the Electrical Engineering Department at Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University. There I studied various technologies, especially in the field of Software Development for instrumentation, control, and Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, I also gained knowledge about electricity and renewable energy. I was very enthusiastic in learning about the understanding of micro-hydro power plants and solar power plants.
I have several projects that I developed while still in college and after I finished my studies. I always take the time to learn especially about Software Development. Here are the results of my projects on Internet of Things (IoT), Web Developer (RESTFull API and FrontEnd) and Instrumentation & Control (ESP32 and Arduino).
This system serves to monitor agricultural land in real-time. The data collected by this system will be useful for farmers. With accurate and up-to-date information, farmers can analyze their land conditions and make informed decisions to improve crop productivity.
Sistem pendeteksi suara gergaji mesin menggunakan sensor suara. Sistem ini dilengkapi dengan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) sehingga status lokasi yang sedang dipantau dapat diakses secara real time.
Robot ini dirancang untuk memonitoring lokasi tambang dengan menggunakan sensor MQ-4, MQ-7, dan DHT22. Robot akan mengumpulkan data gas metana (CH4) dan karbon monoksida (CO) menggunakan sensor MQ-4 dan MQ-7, serta suhu dan kelembaban menggunakan sensor DHT22.
API komposter berbasis IoT ini dibuat menggunakan Framework Springboot dan digunakan untuk mengelola data hasil pembacaan sensor dan menyimpannya ke database atau menampilkan data dari database.
Alat pendeteksi kebakaran hutan adalah perangkat yang dirancang untuk mengidentifikasi, memonitor, dan memberikan peringatan dini tentang potensi kebakaran hutan. Alat ini menggunakan berbagai sensor untuk mendeteksi perubahan kondisi lingkungan yang dapat mengindikasikan adanya kebakaran hutan.
Sistem ini dirancang untuk memonitoring tingkat ketinggian sampah, kadar gas amonia dan kelembapan udara dalam tong sampah. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan ESP32, LCD 20X4, sensor Ultrasonic, sensor MQ-135, dan sensor DHT22.
Applikasi untuk melakukan konsultasi, melihat jadwal dan booking jadwal dokter. Applikasi ini dibangun menggunakan springboot.
Sistem ini dirancang untuk memonitoring aquarium dan melakukan tindakan secara otomatis dalam hal pembersihan pemberian pakan dan menjaga tingkat keasaman air.
The awards I received were due to my participation in various activities, ranging from competitions, research and bootcamps. here I show some of the awards I have received.
I’m happy to share that I’ve obtained a new certification: Business Conduct Guidelines (BCG) from IBM.
I’m happy to share that I’ve obtained a new certification: Java Bootcamp from Xsis Academy.
Olympics of Religion, Science and Research of Islamic Religious Universities in Indonesia (OASE PTKI II in Indonesia) at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, 2023".
As Technician and maintenance of Air Pollution monitoring stations in the laboratory of the Faculty of Science and Technology UIN SUSKA Riau.
The 77th day of dedication of the Ministry of Religious Affairs UIN SUSKA Riau, Pekanbaru.
The 14th National Seminar on Communication Information Technology and Industry (SNTIKI), Pekanbaru, 2022.